Fatherland! It’s Almost Like Being There
If somehow you missed any of the hullaballoo surrounding the march on the Capital on January 6, Fatherland at the Fountain Theatre provides a harrowing recap, helmed by Artistic Director, Stephen […]
If somehow you missed any of the hullaballoo surrounding the march on the Capital on January 6, Fatherland at the Fountain Theatre provides a harrowing recap, helmed by Artistic Director, Stephen […]
One of Shakespeare’s later plays, The Winter’s Tale has always been considered a problem play because it has two distinct but related plots. But Antaeus Theatre’s new production solves this problem, […]
For many people, the title of this play may seem vaguely familiar. In fact, the Patricia Highsmith novel was adapted in 1951 as a hard-hitting noir film directed by none other […]
What do you do after you’ve been a highly acclaimed weatherman in the hottest media market in the country? You might think that person would ferret out some south sea island […]
Richard Wesley’s nail-bitting new play is less a “play,” and more of an immersion into the life of Bernard (Nic Few), the title character, as he climbs the ladder of […]
In Southern California, not everyone has to confront racism in the same way as manifested in the South during the late 60s and early 70s. Back then, Toni Morrison wrote about […]